Road Trip USA: Little Big Horn Battlefield to Mount Rushmore (588km)
This monument can be found very close to the Custer battlefield! I took over the driving seat, as Lee well deserved a sleep, and drove another 558km to Rapid city, unfortunately we arrived here a little too late (6pm) to do most of the stuff we wanted to, so we headed straight for Mount Rushmore (1/2 hour down the road)
This is what the mountain looked like before they started work on it!And after many changes from the original design, this is what the monument looks like today! Originally George Washington was suppose to take a more centrally placed role in the scene, but it was discovered there wasn't enough rock, so finally took up his position on the left!
Because of freeze-thaw action in the rocks the monument has to be regularly repaired, this used to be by means of an old fasioned remedy of linseed and chalk, but recenty it was discovered that silicone sealant, and foam provided a much better solution!
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